Opposite Action Skill

As humans, we are biologically wired to respond according to our emotions. The “Opposite Action Skill” teaches us one simple strategy. When faced with overwhelming or distressing feelings, consciously choose actions that are opposite to what those emotions may be compelling you to do. A deliberate strategy, Opposite Action breaks the cycle of negative emotional patterns to cultivate healthier positive responses.

Emotion Example 1: Anger

An example of opposite action is a scenario where anger is the dominant emotion. Anger incites aggression and the urge to attack. Opposite Action instead teaches us to show kindness, consideration, communication, the willingness to resolve, or simply walk away from the situation.

Emotion Example 2: Fear

Fear can be an overwhelming emotion, but Opposite Action helps us to compose ourselves and muster up the courage to face fear and overcome it.

Emotion Example 3: Depression

Depression, if not checked, can linger, severely impacting our quality of life. The prevailing emotion in depression is detachment and avoidance of social contact. With Opposition Action skill, those experiencing depression are empowered to be active and learn to communicate, which could help in overcoming the depression.

Points to remember in Opposite Action

  • To remove an emotion that creates inconvenience, distress, and discomfort, perform the opposite action.
  • To ensure positive emotion continues, keep doing more of it, as in the examples above.
  • To ensure the success of Opposite Action, you need to believe in it and use it always