Problem Solving Skill

Problem Solving Skill in DBT encourage a pragmatic approach to handling adverse situations or an emotional crisis.  It teaches individuals how to break down overwhelming problems into manageable components, fostering a sense of control at the risk of being overwhelmed. The trick is to be in control of the situation, treating it like just another project to manage and get over. The steps involved are:

1. Mindful awareness: Be mindful of the problem, accept it without judgement and recognize it as a problem that needs resolving

2. Break down or describe the problem: Deconstruct the situation. Describe the details, the people involved if any, describe the what, when, and why’s of the problem. Ask yourself how you feel and what would you like to change.

3. Pros and Cons Analysis: Apply  the pros and cons skill evaluate various options to respond to the problem. This helps in arriving at solutions and making a good decision.

4. Identify: Identify what course of action can be taken

5. Evaluate results: Make an evaluation of how the results have impacted you and the situation at hand. If the desired outcome was not successful, explore more solutions through different perspectives. Problem Solving skills are useful after a problem is acknowledged and accepted that it needs a resolution. Even though some situations cannot be resolved, collect facts, and attempt to explore options that can be most effective in fruitful management.